Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Almost 3 Years Old

February 21 - Building a tall tower

February 21 - Yes, I did take a horse in a pink carrier to the grocery store

February 21 - The making of our family band

February 23 - We should be on a commercial for these frozen juice things

March 1 - Skyler got a new shirt for college day shirt at school

March 14 - I am so fast

March 15 - We sat on/near every animal statue at the wildflower center

March 15 - Skyler and some bluebonnets

March 15 - A wild rabbit statue

March 15 - Riding this one

March 15 - Sitting on a frog

March 16 - I had a birthday celebration when Uncle Lee came to visit

March 16 - Tasting my cake

March 16 - I was gifted a karaoke machine for my early birthday celebration

March 17 - Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17 - A longhorn

March 17 - A few minutes after a big fall I took while skipping

March 17 - Skyler was more into touching animals than me

March 17 - Cotton candy

March 17 - The fair at the rodeo

March 18 - A sunken grotto

March 18 - On a nature walk

March 20 - Riding pig statues

March 20 - Children's museum fun

March 20 - I was impressed with this air thing that blew scarves into the air

March 20 - Skyler enjoyed painting

March 20 - Riding another pig

March 20 - These shaved ices are the smallest size (x-small)

March 20 - This may have been my last bite

March 20 - Don't rain on us

March 21 - Nature center fun

March 21 - It was a rare day where Mommy allowed us to play in sand

March 21 - Enjoying some lunch

March 21 - Skyler before her haircut

March 21 - Skyler after her haircut

March 22 - Another day, another playground

March 25 - I love going to bed in a sweater

March 26 - Happy boy

March 26 - I enjoy the car wash

March 30 - At the zoo

March 30 - I found "my goat" Rudy

April 2 - My headphones are not even plugged into anything

April 2 - Enjoying a hot dog bun (I already ate the hot dog)

April 4 - I almost mastered this climbing structure

April 5 - I am unsure how I missed getting a smoothie with Skyler

April 8 - Porter's vet had bluebonnets out front

April 9 - Enjoying a gelato

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