Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Rest of Summer

July 23 - I have been trained to antibacterial wipe my cart before using

July 23 - I am off

July 23 - These nine pictures were taken over the course of approximately 30 seconds - I am turning the light on and off while Mommy gasps "Ahh" - I found it hilarious

July 23 - A silly pose with my golf club

July 24 - Skyler dressed me up in a "bow tie", headband, and hair clip

July 25 - Skyler made me a snack of pound cake, tortilla chips, and water - she was very proud she did this all by herself

July 26 - Today, Skyler made my breakfast with a biscuit and lots of apple chips

July 27 - My first Oreo McFlurry - actually, it was Daddy's, and I took it over

July 29 - Watch out PGA Tour, here I come

July 29 - Lining myself up for my next shot

August 1 - Skyler has prepared a huge pan of okra

August 12 - I found this duck very intriguing

August 13 - I see you (through my onion ring)

August 13 - I see you too

August 13 - Skyler is headed to "Meet the Teacher" night

August 14 - Skyler's last day before Kindergarten starts

August 15 - Headed to Kindergarten

August 17 - Lying in bed with two stuffed dogs while a show about dogs

August 17 - Eating icees

August 21 - Yes, I do still sleep with a pacifier

August 22 - Out for an after dinner walk

August 31 - I was given a Georgia Tech jersey

September 1 - Spoiler alert - Skyler chose to be a fire girl for Halloween

September 3 - Catboy enjoying a cookie

September 4 - Pudding jumping

September 4 - Today, there was actually water on the ground when I went out in my boots

September 5 - My first day of part-time two-year-old preschool

September 5 - First day in the two's class

September 8 - Skyler started baseball

September 9 - Our first churro at Costco

September 11 - I got new rubber boots

September 11 - My first ever ice cream at Chick-fil-A

September 11 - Enjoying some ice cream

September 13 - It is a good day with a kid's meal comes with a cookie

September 15 - Skyler playing third base

September 15 - Baseball girl

September 16 - I call this my "baseball" shirt - I think it is because it has a word like Skyler's baseball jersey

September 16 - Some day, I want to visit Cuba

September 18 - I cannot pass up an opportunity to hang on something

September 18 - My first (but not Skyler's) gelato