Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I Got My Helmet

August 29 - I always start out on my back, but then seconds later, I roll to my tummy (see next photo)

August 29 - I started rolling from my back to my stomach two weeks ago (August 14)

August 28 - Smiling the day away

August 28 - Car ride

August 28 - My first time in the jumper, and Skyler is teaching me how to count

August 27 - My first time in the exersaucer

August 25 - I got my helmet wrapped today

August 25 - Sneak peak to Skyler's Halloween costume that she already picked out and wears around the house

August 24 - Happy boy

August 23 - Skyler loves to hold me

August 23 - I didn't get the memo that we were supposed to look at the camera

August 23 - And now I've gotten Skyler to also not look at the camera

August 22 - Skyler got to play putt-putt for the first time

August 22 - Skyler also got to go on her first go-cart ride

August 22 - Look who met me for dinner

August 21 - I visited St. Augustine (I didn't see much)

August 20 - Making faces

August 18 - I got my helmet today

August 18 - The helmet won't stop me from smiling

August 17 - Just lying around reading a book

August 15 - At the doctor for my 4-months check-up

Monday, August 15, 2016

My Four Months Statistics

August 15, 2016 (4 Months Old)
Weight:  15.4 pounds (50% percentile)
Height:  25.625 inches (73% percentile)
Head Circumference:  16.5 inches (60% percentile)

June 20, 2016 (2 Months plus 1 Week Old)
Weight:  12.8 pounds (59% percentile)
Height:  23.75 inches (77% percentile)
Head Circumference:  15.5 inches (53% percentile)

May 20, 2016 (5 Weeks Old)
Weight:  10.72 pounds (59% percentile)
Height:  22.5 inches (84% percentile)
Head Circumference:  15 inches (73% percentile)

May 5, 2016 (3 Weeks Old)
Weight:  9.28 pounds (53% percentile)
Height:  21.5 inches (73% percentile)
Head Circumference:  14.25 inches (39% percentile)

April 19, 2016 (6 Days Old)
Weight:  8.38 pounds (67% percentile)
Height:  20.65 inches (80% percentile)
Head Circumference:  13.75 inches (47% percentile)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I am Getting a Helmet

On August 18, I will be getting a helmet.  Although I do ample tummy time and such, I have a flat-ish back of my head.  Lucky for me, there is a device that can help.  It is a cranial orthotic (i.e. a helmet).  My helmet is called is called a Doc Band, which looks likes the pictures below.  I will be wearing the helmet for 23 hours a day for an unknown number of weeks (probably somewhere between 6-10 weeks).  Each week, I will go to the helmet place to get it adjusted (i.e. the foam inside the helmet is adjusted/shaved to direct proper growth of my head).  The Doc Band works by applying mild holding pressures and capturing the growth of my head.  This method directs growth to the flat regions and discourages it in the prominent areas.  It is important to know that the Doc Band does not cause pain.

These babies are not me.  But these are examples of what the helmet will look like.
Image result for doc band  Image result for doc band  Image result for back of doc band

4 Months Old

August 13 - I am 4 months old today

August 13 - I like to grab things (like my clothes)

August 13 - A more serious face

August 13 - A happy face to follow my serious face

August 13 - I realized this month that I like to lick and bite the lion

Mostly Smiling My Way Through the Third Month of Life

August 12 - Just trying to see if my bib matches my Bumbo seat

August 11 - First I am serious

August 11 - Then I am happy

August 11 - Such a sweet boy

August 10 - Happy tummy time

 August 7 - At first, I was a bit suspicious about Skyler holding me

August 7 - Although blurry, we are both smiling

August 3 - The next 6 photos happened over the course of about 30 seconds (first I am sad)

August 3 - Seconds later (not sad but not sure how I feel)

August 3 - And a few more seconds later (sad again)

August 3 - A few seconds later (not sure again about how I feel)

August 3 - Seconds later (trying to figure out if I am sad)

August 3 - A few more seconds later (maybe I am not sad after all)

August 3 - Relaxing in my high chair that I don't use to eat in yet

August 3 - Happy baby

August 3 - Posing on my Boppy

August 1 - So happy

July 30 - Who doesn't wake up this happy? (don't worry, this photo was not taken in my own bed - I don't have a pillow)

July 30 - Trying out some new pajamas

July 29 - My shocked face (ignore the whiskey sign - I am at a BBQ place and not a bar)

July 29 - Just doing some tummy time

July 29 - I like to throw myself over the Boppy pillow

July 22 - I got some sun glasses

July 21 - Second grandchild problem (a pink bouncy seat) - but this face is what I think about the pink

July 21 - My first time on an airplane

July 18 - I got a new swaddle (it makes me look quite silly, but I like it)